Sala Ouro  XXXV


Abraham Jansz Storck, 1696 - A Capriccio of the Grand Canal, Venice
Private Collection
Abraham Jansz Storck, 1696 - A Capriccio of the Grand Canal, Venice (detail)
Private Collection
Albert Roelofs - Toekomst Dromen
 Private Collection 
 Alessandro Turchi - Cephalus and Procris
Private Collection
 Theodore Jacques Ralli, 1879 - An Eastern Guard
 Private Collection 
Charles Diodore Rahoult - Allegory of Winter
The Goddess Diana Surrounded by Putti
Private  Collection


Fundo Musical:
 Chantez à Dieu
Jan Pietersz Sweelinck, 1562-1621
Produção :
Mario Capelluto e Ida Aranha
Julia Zappa